Sony’s PlayStation game console made a strong influence on the entertainment industry when it was launched in 1994. Having been sold in quantities of over 104 million units globally, the original PlayStation introduced video games to many people by offering them titles and even genres that have since become iconic. In an attempt to bring back good memories to owners of the first-gen PlayStation, Sony intends to release its PlayStation Classic console later this year that will be compatible with select PlayStation titles. 

The Sony PlayStation Classic (SCPH-1000R) will look like the original PlayStation, but will come in a miniature package and will consume just around 5 W of power. The console will feature an HDMI port capable of 720p and 480p video output that will also be used to output linear PCM audio. Also, the device will have a USB Micro-B port for power delivery, similar to the other 'mini' consoles that have entered the market recently. The PlayStation Classic will be equipped with two controllers that look similar to Sony’s original controllers but have different plug in methods. The only things missing will be actually playing a CD, or putting in a memory card.

Sony intends to preload 20 games originally developed for its PlayStation in the 1990s, including Final Fantasy VII, Jumping Flash!, R4 Ridge Racer Type 4, Tekken 3, and Wild Arms (Ian: Wild Arms? Sold!).


Sony notes that the title lineup other than the said five games will be different for various regions. Furthermore, the PlayStation Classic will not be able to add any more games via download or any other way, so the number of supported titles will always remain at 20 games. Meanwhile, although this is not the first time when Sony and its partners re-release titles for the original PlayStation, the collection of 20 games seems to be the most comprehensive one made available so far.

Sony does not disclose hardware that powers its PlayStation Classic device. Considering the fact that we are dealing with a very low-power device that will be compatible with select titles only, it is highly likely that Sony will use an SoC and an emulation layer to run the games, just like it did previously (and like Nintendo makes select PS1 and PS2 titles run on its Switch).

Sony PlayStation Classic
SoC Unknown
Video Output 720p, 480p
Audio Output Lineup PCM
Input/OOutput HDMI
USB port (Micro-B)
2 × Controller port
Power 5W (DC 5 V / 1 A)
External Dimensions Width 149 mm | 5.8 inch
Height 33 mm | 1.3 inch
Depth 105 mm | 4.1 inch
Mass Console 170 grams | 6 ounces
Controller 140 grams | 4.9 ounces
Product Bundle PlayStation Classic
2 × Controller
HDMI Cable
USB Cable
Printed Materials
MSRP $99 | €99 | 9,980 yen

Sony’s PlayStation Classic will be available on December 3 across the world at an MSRP or $99 in the U.S., €99 in Europe, and 9,980 yen in Japan. One thing to note is that the PlayStation Classic will remain a limited-edition product.

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Source: Sony

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  • ajp_anton - Wednesday, September 19, 2018 - link

    Not a single mention of Nintendo's classic consoles? Biased much? Or a paid article?

    "In an attempt to bring back good memories to owners of the first-gen PlayStation"
    And to mimic the success of Nintendo's NES and SNES classic consoles.
  • Inteli - Wednesday, September 19, 2018 - link

    Or its a normal product release statement, which are typically free of any editorial content?
  • BurnItDwn - Wednesday, September 19, 2018 - link

    Ehh, it's not for me, but, I could see it being a hit for people who are not tech savvy who want to play old playstation games with their kids.
  • Samus - Thursday, September 20, 2018 - link

    They kind of have me sold on the controllers. I love the pre-dualshock controllers. The analog sticks don't really get in the way per se, but they add bulkiness and weight, and add nothing to most of the games I played on the PSX in the 90's, with the exception of driving games I suppose.

    I hope they have Castlevania Symphony of the Night. Just watch, it'll be a Japan-only release...since they conveniently announced the 'yet to be announced' games are dependent on region, and SOTN wasn't all that popular in the United States. Most of the awesome shooters weren't either: Einhander would also be a massively attractive title to me.
  • PeachNCream - Thursday, September 20, 2018 - link

    I like the idea of making these older games more accessible or reviving them so people cam play them despite not owning original hardware. Where it falls apart, for me at least, is the dedicated device required to run a fixed, fairly small library of games from a single console platform. I'd prefer greater consolidation by running a variety of console platforms' libraries on a single piece of more flexible hardware like a laptop or phone. I don't even own a monitor or TV now so I'd have to buy a screen to use something like this which would mean significant additional clutter.

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