A Look at Altera's OpenCL SDK for FPGAs
by Rahul Garg on October 9, 2013 8:00 AM ESTAltera's OpenCL Implementation Details
We go over how OpenCL kernels are compiled to FPGAs, and discuss some of the unique advantages of Altera's implementation over, say, GPUs.
Kernel compilation
Before getting into FPGAs, let us first look at how OpenCL kernels are compiled to GPUs. I am going to oversimplify things here so the discussion is not totally accurate, and details vary considerably across GPUs, but the objective is to give you a good idea of the concepts.
Every GPU has its own instruction set. Each vendor's OpenCL compiler compiles OpenCL to the native instruction set of the GPU being targeted. OpenCL work-groups typically get mapped to a compute unit in a GPU, and each compute unit can run many workgroups in parallel. Each compute unit has a fixed number of resources such as number of registers and local memory that get divided between the workgroups. Thus, the number of work-groups that can run in parallel depends upon the resources required to run one workgroup. Very approximately, arithmetic operations of work-items within a work-group get mapped to ALUs within a compute unit. If there are 64 ALUs in a particular compute unit, then arithmetic instructions from 64 work-items are processed at once by each compute unit.
Now let us look at Altera's OpenCL compiler. Altera's OpenCL compiler reconfigures the FPGA so that it becomes a custom processor designed for computing your kernel. For example, in our vector add example, each work-item does 2 loads (one from vector A, one from vector B), one floating-point add and one store (vector C). Then, Altera's compiler will generate 2 load units, 1 adder and 1 store unit.
Behind the scenes, Altera's compiler is currently generating Verilog but this is an implementation detail that can change, and the programmer doesn't need to concern herself with it. As discussed earlier, Altera's OpenCL implementation tries to be smart and tries to avoid generating any unnecessary units. For example, if your kernel does not use floating point arithmetic, then no floating-point logic is generated. Further, let us say your kernel has operations such as (a*b*c + d*e). Such operations would map to multiple instructions in a CPU or a GPU but in an FPGA, the compiler may generate an ALU that performs this operation in a single step.
One potential weakness of FPGAs is that the compilation of OpenCL kernels to FPGAs can take time and so Altera primarily provides an offline compiler. Compiling OpenCL kernels for CPUs or GPUs typically happens in the order of hundreds of milliseconds to seconds on most modern machines. However, compilation time for FPGAs can be significantly longer and can often be in hours instead of seconds.
UPDATE: See comment from Kishonti (makers of tools like CLBenchmark, which we use ourselves for GPGPU testing) where they say that the compile time was indeed in hours for their tests. I can see that this can be an issue. On CPUs and GPUs, we are used to fast compile times which allows for quick iterations of testing and tuning kernels. On FPGAs, the development time can be longer due to compilation time bottleneck.
Mapping parallelism: Pipelining and resource replication
Another interesting aspect is how OpenCL's parallelism is mapped to an FPGA. In computer architecture, you can obtain parallelism in at least two ways: (a) Resource replication, obtained by replication of the same resource (such as a CPU core or a GPU compute unit) multiple times (b) pipeline parallelism, which relies on different types of functional units acting in parallel on different steps. For example, load/store units may act in parallel with ALUs.
Altera's SDK takes advantage of pipelining as well as resource replication. First we look into pipelining. Consider our vector addition example. It consists of 3 steps: load, add and store and Altera's SDK will generate a 3-stage pipeline. At any given time, upto 3 different work-items will be active in the pipeline in parallel. When work-item N is executing the store stage, work-item N+1 is executing the add stage, and work-item N+2 is executing the load. We show an example below:
Our example consists of a very simple problem and upto 3 work-items were executing in parallel in the pipeline. For more complex kernels, Altera's SDK will generate much deeper pipelines with many more work-items active in the pipeline at the same time. In a general purpose processor, the number of various functional units, such as ALUs and load/store units, as well as the functionality of each unit and the connection structure between these units is fixed at design time of the processor. This fixed structure may not be optimal for all applications. However, in an FPGA the pipeline structure and the number and types of functional units present is customized to suit your application.
If the pipeline generated for your application is simple and does not eat all the resources on the FPGA, then you can instruct Altera's SDK to also attempt to create multiple copies of the pipeline. However, instead of outright replication of the pipeline, in many cases a better option is to merge multiple work-items and effectively vectorize a problem. For example, in our kernel, we can modify the kernel so that each work-item computes a vector of 8 elements. Vectorization is somewhat more efficient but not always applicable. Altera's SDK allows you to control whether you want to vectorize or replicate your pipeline.
To summarize, Altera's SDK places pipeline parallelism at the forefront and can generate deep, application-specific pipelines. Resource replication is controlled by the programmer and depending on the problem can be done either by implementing a wider pipeline through vectorization or through outright pipeline replication.
Local memory
Next, we look at local memory. On GPUs, local memory is typically implemented using on-chip SRAM. On GPUs, this SRAM has a fixed size and a fixed number of banks, with each bank typically returning 1 or 2 results every clock cycle. For example, some GPUs provide 32kB of local memory per SMX and this is divided into 32 banks. Thus, on a GPU, the number of read/write ports to/from the on-chip SRAM is fixed. However, on an FPGA, the size and configuration of the local memory can be customized. One kernel may require a "deeper" local memory with fewer read/write ports, while another kernel may require a wider local memory with larger number of read/write ports. Thus, in addition to customized units and a custom pipeline, on an FPGA the local memory is also customized to your kernel. As mentioned in the previous section, compared to current GPUs FPGAs have relatively large amount of memory that can be used as local memory.
High speed I/O to external devices
One of the bottlenecks in many high performance applications is that the data to be processed comes from an external I/O device. For example, input data might be a large file read from an SSD, or streaming data from a video camera, or data from network port. Traditionally this data was transferred to a buffer in system RAM by the external I/O device, and then copied by the CPU to another temporary buffer in system RAM and finally copied to the accelerator/co-processor over PCIe. Obviously, this multiple copying of data is wasteful and can be a big bottleneck.
FPGAs can communicate to external world (PCIe, network connections, storage devices etc.) through transceivers. Different FPGA products have different number of transceivers with different datarates. Currently, the most impressive offering from Altera is the Stratix V GX with upto 66 14.1 Gbps (bidirectional) transceivers. The number of transceivers actually exposed by a given FPGA board depends upon both the FPGA used as well as the board design. Connecting an external I/O device may require additional logic and Altera and partners will readily sell you solutions for a number of standard interfaces. The high bandwidth I/O makes the FPGA ideal for streaming/filtering type applications.
Unfortunately, the OpenCL standard does not really cover this type of scenario well and so Altera is working on providing custom extensions to OpenCL that allow you to use external I/O devices as inputs or outputs of OpenCL kernels for streaming applications. Altera tells me this is similar to the pipes functionality introduced in the provisional OpenCL 2.0 spec.
It is worth mentioning that Nvidia provides a competing solution called GPUDirect for CUDA. As of CUDA 5.0, it is possible for external I/O devices such as other Nvidia GPUs, SSDs and network cards to read/write the GPU memory directly over PCIe bus without going through the host. However, the net bandwidth is limited to PCIe 3.0 x16 currently, which works out to about 16 GB/s in each direction which is much lower than the peak theoretically obtainable on, say, the Stratix V GX FPGA (~116 GB/s in each direction). In practice, Nvidia's GPUDirect solution is sufficient for many applications but there are definitely some applications where the FPGA's bandwidth advantage will be extremely important. Another limitation of Nvidia's GPUDirect is that it is currently only available in CUDA and not in OpenCL.
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ET - Tuesday, October 15, 2013 - link
Thanks. That's enlightening. Doesn't support a lot of stuff. (And the table is on page 22 in the document I found.)jarjarbink - Tuesday, February 25, 2014 - link
Can you point a link to the document ?DonnaCabel16 - Monday, October 14, 2013 - link
my Aunty Aaliyah just got an awesome 9 month old Audi allroad Wagon by working parttime from the internet... pop over to this web-site ℰxit35.commike8675309 - Monday, October 14, 2013 - link
I've been following FPGA's for the past 9 months or so and have also been stymied by the costs. Most recently I have been following the development of the Parallella which was a kickstarter project "supercomputer on a chip" development board. While not exactly a FPGA, it does have supporting Zynq-7000 Series Dual-core ARM A9 that has FPGA logic. And the main chip contains 16 cores that can operate concurrently on shared or different workloads. Not very mature for development yet, but OpenCL is one of the languages being targeted for it.0xc000005 - Saturday, October 19, 2013 - link
You didn't mention (afaict) one of the big benefits of using FPGAs - they require much less power (~ 10x less) than GPUs for the same amount of computation. Some readers may find this useful if they want to do gigantic computations under some type of cost constraint. Bitcoin miners moved from GPUs to FPGAs long ago since the cost of electricity is an important factor in Bitcoin mining.OpenCL isn't the only game in town for programming FPGAs either. Xilinx (Altera's main competitor) has a nice product called Vivado High-Level Synthesis where you can write your algorithms in C++. Whether this is a benefit or not remains to be seen - it's harder to design parallel algorithms in C++ than in OpenCL. It's important to be aware that there are a lot of algorithms that are not massively parallel, for which GPUs and OpenCL offer no speedup. This is where C++ is useful, since Vivado can take your sequential, easy-to-simulate algorithm and still make it N times faster - the value of N depends on your algorithm of course.
More about which algorithms can be speeded up using OpenCL can be found at http://www.hpcwire.com/hpcwire/2013-10-14/reprisin...
chaos215bar2 - Sunday, October 20, 2013 - link
Use of local memory in OpenCL generally also requires some kind of synchronization between the threads in a workgroup, as the entire point is to share information between these threads. (A basic example is loading some data into local memory so that all threads can operate on it. A synchronization point is necessary to ensure that all threads have loaded the data they're responsible for before any others attempt to use it.)I'm curious how Altera handles this, since it doesn't map to the pipeline model you described in an obvious way. If, for instance, there's only room for n instances (via vectorization or replication) of the pipeline on the FPGA, does that mean the workgroup size is n? If not, how is the state of one thread saved while waiting for others to reach the synchronization point, and then subsequently restored?