NVIDIA Releases 378.49 WHQL Driver Update
by Daniel Williams on January 25, 2017 1:30 AM EST
A little over half a month in, and we have our first driver release from NVIDIA for the new year. Both camps were so rapid fire with driver releases last year that I was beginning to wonder what happened. I guess between game releases slowing down and the holidays those driver developers didn’t want code us new updates for their own entertainment. Teasing aside, the update today isn’t joking material. The latest update not only gives us our bug fixes and game support, but possibly enough SLI profiles to make multi-GPU gamers happy.
We are getting a new branch today with driver release 378. For our fixed issues, this time around we have random flashes from Just Cause 3 and flickering faces in Assassin’s Creed – Syndicate. There is also some SLI induced flickering in both Battlefield 1 and Hitman that has been fixed. Battlefield 1 has also received a fix for rain puddles that were appearing dark. Lastly, NVIDIA has issued a fix for work unit errors in Folding @ Home; fingers crossed this does away with Folding @ home issues, people have clamoring for this one for months.
For extra features, 378.49 adds support for the recently launched GeForce GTX 1050 and 1050Ti notebook cards. Game ready support is also bundled in for Resident Evil 7 Biohazard, the Conan Exile Early Access, and the For Honor closed beta. Not to make light use of their one month break since the last driver release NVIDIA has also added or updated the SLI profiles for the following games:
- Battlefield 1
- Deus Ex: Breach Standalone - added DirectX 11 profile
- Diablo III - added DirectX 11 profile
- Dreadnought (2016) - added DirectX 11 profile
- LEGO: Minifigures Online - added SLI-Single profile
- Sid Meier's Civilization VI
- Shooter Game (HDR) - added DirectX 11 profile
- Sniper Elite 4 - added DirectX 11 profile
- Space Hulk: DeathWing - added SLI-Single profile
- Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Wildlands
- Watch Dogs 2
This is a notably bigger list of SLI profiles than we typically see. I couldn’t say whether this is a re-ignited initiative, or just a consequence of the new driver branch. Regardless this gives SLI users more to be excited for.
Anyone interested can download the updated drivers through GeForce Experience or on the NVIDIA driver download page. More information on this update and further issues can be found in the 378.49 release notes
Source: NVIDIA
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Wolfpup - Thursday, January 26, 2017 - link
Anyone else quit installing Geforce Experience?I used to use it-didn't mind seeing what settings Nvidia suggested, though mostly it just served as a way to see if there were new driver updates.
But then they change it so you have to log in to actually use it...no thanks.
And then I discovered that my work system had transmitted multiple GBs in a single month thanks to all the servers Geforce Experience installs. I never use them, but at least on this one system they were transmitting a ton of data.
On top of that of course, it's potentially a giant security risk because of all those inane servers it installs.
I'm not usually one to call things "bloated", but in this case, I'm really, really disappointed with how they're handling Geforce Experience. At least the drivers still seem to work fine without it...
Wolfpup - Thursday, January 26, 2017 - link
EDIT: And by a ton of data, I mean WELL over 1GB, like the number one or two data user in my system was servers installed by Geforce Experience...that's completely nuts.