CPU Performance, Short Form

For our motherboard reviews, we use our short form testing method. These tests usually focus on if a motherboard is using MultiCore Turbo (the feature used to have maximum turbo on at all times, giving a frequency advantage), or if there are slight gains to be had from tweaking the firmware. We put the memory settings at the CPU manufacturers suggested frequency, making it very easy to see which motherboards have MCT enabled by default.

Rendering - Blender 2.78: link

For a render that has been around for what seems like ages, Blender is still a highly popular tool. We managed to wrap up a standard workload into the February 5 nightly build of Blender and measure the time it takes to render the first frame of the scene. Being one of the bigger open source tools out there, it means both AMD and Intel work actively to help improve the codebase, for better or for worse on their own/each other's microarchitecture.

Rendering: Blender 2.78

Rendering – POV-Ray 3.7: link

The Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer, or POV-Ray, is a freeware package for as the name suggests, ray tracing. It is a pure renderer, rather than modeling software, but the latest beta version contains a handy benchmark for stressing all processing threads on a platform. We have been using this test in motherboard reviews to test memory stability at various CPU speeds to good effect – if it passes the test, the IMC in the CPU is stable for a given CPU speed. As a CPU test, it runs for approximately 1-2 minutes on high-end platforms.

Rendering: POV-Ray 3.7

Compression – WinRAR 5.4: link

Our WinRAR test from 2013 is updated to the latest version of WinRAR at the start of 2014. We compress a set of 2867 files across 320 folders totaling 1.52 GB in size – 95% of these files are small typical website files, and the rest (90% of the size) are small 30-second 720p videos.

Encoding: WinRAR 5.40

Synthetic – 7-Zip 9.2: link

As an open source compression tool, 7-Zip is a popular tool for making sets of files easier to handle and transfer. The software offers up its own benchmark, to which we report the result.

Encoding: 7-Zip

Point Calculations – 3D Movement Algorithm Test: link

3DPM is a self-penned benchmark, taking basic 3D movement algorithms used in Brownian Motion simulations and testing them for speed. High floating point performance, MHz, and IPC win in the single thread version, whereas the multithread version has to handle the threads and loves more cores. For a brief explanation of the platform agnostic coding behind this benchmark, see my forum post here.

System: 3D Particle Movement v2.1

Neuron Simulation - DigiCortex v1.20: link

The newest benchmark in our suite is DigiCortex, a simulation of biologically plausible neural network circuits, and simulates activity of neurons and synapses. DigiCortex relies heavily on a mix of DRAM speed and computational throughput, indicating that systems which apply memory profiles properly should benefit and those that play fast and loose with overclocking settings might get some extra speed up. Results are taken during the steady-state period in a 32k neuron simulation and represented as a function of the ability to simulate in real time (1.000x equals real-time).

System: DigiCortex 1.20 (32k Neuron, 1.8B Synapse)

System Performance Gaming Performance
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  • mode_13h - Tuesday, November 20, 2018 - link

    Gah! What's the point in using/testing this without ECC RAM?
  • bill.rookard - Tuesday, November 20, 2018 - link

    Well the only real advantage to testing with ECC is to see if it catches errors. How would you go about simulating errors?

    If ECC RAM is rated at x MHz, and it runs at x MHz, then it’s good. I don’t think this board has real support for overclocking, so why worry about it?
  • mode_13h - Tuesday, November 20, 2018 - link

    ECC places an extra burden on the CPU's IMC. I don't expect it would have a noticeable impact on performance, but why not benchmark it & find out?
  • bolkhov - Tuesday, November 20, 2018 - link

    Feature-wise, the whole X11SCA line is a bit scarce compared to its predecessor X11SAE: less slots, less USB ports, much I/O sharing (X11SAE* shared nothing).
    And no mATX variant (X11SAE-M was a little gem!).

    Even consumer-grade C9Z390-CGW has a reacher feature set, despite being cheaper.

    X11SCA* line is a bit disappointing, to put it mildly.
  • dsplover - Tuesday, November 20, 2018 - link

    I love Supermicro for mission critical stability and long life. Wish I knew about these before but my 8086k/Q370 in the CSE-512f-410B 1U is loud and stable.

    Mine came with Rice Chips which are higher quality than Spy chips.
  • mode_13h - Tuesday, November 20, 2018 - link

    You mean "sparse"? "spare"?

    As you probably know, the X11SAE only supports Skylake and Kaby Lake.

    I used to run Supermicro, but more recently switched to ASRock Rack. So far, so good.
  • bolkhov - Wednesday, November 21, 2018 - link

    I meant "poor", but tried to be more polite.

    Yes, incompatibility between C236 and Coffee Lake is a problem (I even tried i5-8500 on X11SAE-F ("what if?") -- no go: BMC works, but CPU doesn't start).

    To be honest, the x11sae-F isn't ideal: it has some glitches and stability problems.
    But BMC-less X11SAE and its predecessor X10SAE are ideal for workstation use.

    If only Supermicro could create an adequate X11SAE successor (not a cut-down one like X11SCA), that could be an ideal mobo for CFL.

    As to ASRock Rack: some models look interesting, but those are hard to get in my organization (a government scientific institution).
    So, now the most feature-rich Xeon E mobo is Asus C246 PRO.
  • mode_13h - Wednesday, November 21, 2018 - link

    Sorry, what do you mean by "CFL"?
  • bolkhov - Wednesday, November 21, 2018 - link

    "CFL" is Intel's abbreviation for Coffee Lake (similarly KBL is Kaby Lake, SKL=Skylake, BDW=Broadwell, HSW=Haswell, KNL=Knight's Landing, etc.)
  • mode_13h - Friday, November 23, 2018 - link

    Thanks. I knew about HSW, SKL, KNL, and KBL. In the right context, I'd have figured that, but I was thinking it was some reference to what you were using it for.

    So, what's Coffee Lake Refresh? CLR? Or do they still call it CFL?

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