Camera - Low Light Evaluation

Low-light capture on the iPhone 12’s should be improved for two reasons: First of all, the new f/1.6 lens of the main camera should allow for 27% better light capture compared to the f/1.8 unit of the iPhone 11’s. Secondly, Apple with this generation has finally addressed the lack of Night Mode on the ultra-wide and telephoto modules, resolving a quite huge handicap that was present on the iPhone 11 generation of devices.

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[ iPhone 12 Pro ]
[ iPhone 11 Pro ]
[ Note20 Ultra (S) ]
[ S20+ (E) ]
[ Pixel 5 ] [ X-T30 ]

In this first scene, the results are actually a bit disappointing as we’re seeing almost no differences between the 12 Pro and the 11 Pro. The new phone uses half the exposure time according to the EXIF data, but has to use a higher ISO level to compensate. The only thing that’s noticeably better on the 12 Pro is the improved lens flare produced by the street light.

In general Apple’s Night Mode still doesn’t look to be as competitive as Google’s or Samsung’s implementation, as the S20, Note20 Ultra and the Pixel 5 perform quite better here.

On the ultra-wide angle, the inclusion of Night Mode now turns this camera module from something unusable to rather passable results. It’s a huge upgrade compared to the iPhone 11 series, but still lags behind the Pixel phone as far behind Samsung’s implementation.

Click for full image
[ iPhone 12 Pro ]
[ iPhone 11 Pro ]
[ Note20 Ultra (S) ]
[ S20+ (E) ]
[ Pixel 5 ] [ X-T30 ]

Night mode being fully automatically triggered on the iPhone’s camera, means there’s no way to force it on when there’s too much light, such as in this scene – which is really odd given that it did trigger on the iPhone 11 Pro, thus producing an overall better result than the 12 Pro.

The UWA again gains massive usability with the addition of Night Mode, although all the phones here produce quite bad results for a variety of different reasons.

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[ iPhone 12 Pro ]
[ iPhone 11 Pro ]
[ Note20 Ultra (S) ]
[ S20+ (E) ]
[ Pixel 5 ] [ X-T30 ]

Here, the 12 Pro uses the larger aperture optics to reduce the ISO from 800 to 640. There’s a slight change in colours, but overall I wouldn’t say that it’s something that would be immediately noticeable between the two generation of phones.

Click for full image
[ iPhone 12 Pro ]
[ iPhone 11 Pro ]
[ Note20 Ultra (S) ]
[ S20+ (E) ]
[ Pixel 5 ] [ X-T30 ]

This scene was a bit odd for the two iPhones as they both showcased identical exposure times as well as ISO levels, although the iPhone 12 Pro shot is brighter due to the larger aperture. The phone didn’t trigger Night Mode for this shot as it was too bright.

Night Mode for the UWA is a large jump for the iPhone 12, but it can’t compete against the Samsung devices or the Pixel phone, although the latter got the colour temperature completely wrong.

Click for full image
[ iPhone 12 Pro ] [ iPhone 11 Pro ]
[ Note20 Ultra (S) ] [ S20+ (E) ]
[ Pixel 5 ] [ X-T30 ]

Here again the iPhone 12 Pro uses the larger aperture in order to reduce the ISO levels of the shot, which is a bit odd given that I feel that the iPhone 11 Pro had the sharper and less noisy shot. There’s also a change in colour temperature although saying which is better is subjective.

Click for full image
[ iPhone 12 Pro ] [ iPhone 11 Pro ]
[ Note20 Ultra (S) ] [ S20+ (E) ]
[ Pixel 5 ] [ X-T30 ]

Finally, in an extreme low-light shot I’m simply challenging the light capture abilities of the cameras here. This scene was extremely dark and the first sample shot of the Fuji is likely better representation of the scene as experienced in-person, while the EV+2 shot is closer to the exposure the phones are trying to achieve.

Neither of the phones are faring well here, and the iPhone 12 Pro does change a bit of the tone-mapping compared to the iPhone 11 Pro, faring a bit better, although I feel the Samsung phones are producing a more natural look.

Low-Light Conclusion: Improved, but not Competitive

In general, I feel that Apple may have overpromised a bit on the part of the low-light capture ability of these new phones. While we do notice the larger aperture optics of the new modules in the resulting captures, Apple doesn’t seem to have substantially changed their Night Mode processing this year as sometimes it’s very hard to distinguish the iPhone 12 from the iPhone 11 results.

On the ultra-wide angle, the new Night Mode options obviously transforms previously unusable results into something that’s more passable. I feel that this shouldn’t be taken as praise versus Apple finally addressing a huge feature lack in the iPhone 11 series, as they were the only devices on the market actually lacking this functionality on the ultra-wide modules.

Although the results have improved, Apple here still largely lags behind the competition which sports better hardware, and also has been able to iterate on their computational photography modes over the past year.

It’s a pity that Apple chose to only employ a larger improved camera sensor on the iPhone 12 Pro Max, creating model differentiation on the cameras that previously didn’t exist – I would have had at least wished the 12 Pro to also house this improved sensor, if possible.

Camera - Daylight Evaluation Video Recording
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  • raemike - Monday, November 30, 2020 - link

    Apple markets this as the strongest iPhone ever, this is pure BS. The back glass on my iphone12 broke in 3 days. I was putting on boots and the phone fell about 18 inches to a concrete floor. Unbelievable. Apple wants me to pay $100 to fix!!!! The fact is that the iPhone 12, from my experience, is by FAR the most fragile iPhone I've ever owned. Very unhappy that Apple won't even fix their defect. Phone didn't last 3 full days!
  • Holliday75 - Monday, November 30, 2020 - link

    You dropped it on concrete ad you blame Apple? LOL.

    I shot my dog....its the guns fault. I ran a little old lady over. It's the car's fault.
  • AshlayW - Monday, November 30, 2020 - link

    Why did you shoot your dog? Also, you're probably going to prison now.
  • PickUrPoison - Saturday, December 12, 2020 - link

    Don’t you care about the little old lady?!?
  • cha0z_ - Tuesday, December 1, 2020 - link

    They strictly clarify it's for the FRONT glass, most likely they saved upgrading the back glass for the next year model + glass is glass, no matter how strong it is, the wrong angle/force and you are done.
  • 29a - Tuesday, December 1, 2020 - link

    What is unbelievable is you didn't have any protection on your phone and now you're bitching about breaking it.
  • techconc - Monday, December 7, 2020 - link

    "The back glass on my iphone12 broke in 3 days."

    If anything, that shows you how strong the ceramic shield is, since only the front of the phone has the ceramic shield.
  • zanon - Monday, November 30, 2020 - link

    Thanks for the review! I upgraded from an iPhone X to the 12 Pro Max this time around, and have been kicking the tires for a week and a half or so now. SO wanted a 12 Pro regular, and a friend got the plain 12. These days I think the additive improvements over 3-5 generations is probably how must people view these things, year-over-year upgrades, or even every 2 years, seems to quite reasonably be less common (which is a good thing). Coming directly from an X, the changes are quite significant. There are obvious sticker items like improved performance and cameras. But there is also more subtle yet extreme important day-to-day use stuff like the Face ID system being a lot more responsive and accepting more angles and distances now then the generation 1 I had before. Some other disagreement, agreement, and comment:

    Disagreement: I think you really missed the mark on how big a deal the new LIDAR sensor is for pro usage (you barely gave it a sentence) and in turn as a differentiator. In fact even though it's early days and rough, I think that might be one of the most significant Pro differentiators in a long time, "pro" here as-in actual contracting to make money. I've been trying it out with magicplan and RoomScanLiDAR and already used it at a project site. Apps like magicplan previously could be paired with bluetooth laser rangers and used that way (and still can of course), but from my testing so far the new built-in lidar does an extremely close and competent job in measuring over shorter distances and details, and you get a pretty passable v1 3D point cloud too for something you get in your pocket all the time for a few hundred extra. I was able to throw together for plans and basic 3D from scratch for a historic hotel and then use that for mockups and renovation deployment way, way better than I'd ever have expected even a year ago from a handheld with this pricing (dedicated laser 3D scan units have been available for a while, and will produce better results more quickly, but are NOT cheap or pocketable). Even the simple AR Measure app suddenly no longer feels gimicky or last resort but actually is usable without my measuring tape in many cases. The whole calibration thing is gone, it's fast, and accurate in my use to at least 1/2" which for bulk is often good enough.

    Again definitely early, early days. There are obvious holes in the apps, basic things like import are non-existent, etc etc. Yet even so it's already saved me some money and time in commercial work. As far as professional usage goes, it feels like a bigger leap forward in terms of the phone itself being a tool (vs an interface to other tools) than many things before.

    Agreement: I'm glad you highlighted that the new sharp edges are a definite step back in ergonomics. It was what struck me most immediately of course in terms of out-of-box experience. Maybe it works well for the Mini, but even on the regular (let alone the Max) the hand feel stinks compared to the iPhone X/XS/11. The edges really dig in and add to fatigue.

    However, some of that can be mitigated with a case, and that leads me to the comment that I strong suspect Apple is now designing the iPhone at least in part around case use. It's been a while since I last looked it up, but in a previous discussion we did some research and it looked like at least 75% (yes, 3/4) of phone users use cases. They're a big source of personalization, not just in terms of looks but adapting the phone to various personal use cases. Obviously drop/scratch protection to a customizable degree depending on whether someone tends to have accidents or works/hobbies in heavier duty environments, but also more exotic stuff like camera lens/telescope attachment (or just plain extra battery).

    That being the case (harhar), there a reasons to design the phone with that in mind. The camera bump for example, they extra z-distance is necessitated by the camera modules. But of course Apple could just make the whole phone thicker so that it was still smooth. And if it was expected the phone would be used bare, that'd make sense. But if it's expected it'll usually be in a case, it makes *more* sense to have it as it is now, because the available mm means the end result is something that provides whatever else the owner wants but being thinner, lighter and flush on the back than if it was a case over an already thickened device.

    As someone who has never dropped their expensive handheld stuff in 30 someodd years now and previously never bothered with a case, I do kind of miss good old naked devices. But I can't argue with the numbers either. And for the first time with the 12 I feel like a case is a requirement, not just a nice-to-have, it's too sharp and too slippery without it. Of course this makes the use of steel in the Pro even dumber, extra weight for absolutely nothing. I wonder why Apple didn't use titanium instead, they used to do a lot with that material and it seems like it'd let them claim a different "pro" material without so much weight. Oh well.

    Incidentally I think the Max might be the least popular model this time around. I was lazy about ordering, didn't bother for a few days. Yet it shipped almost instantly, while I know people who ordered regular 12s/12 Pros much more quickly than me (same channel/phone company) who are still waiting. Would be interesting if Apple breaks things out, the Mini and regular are really compelling this time (which is as it should be!).

    Thanks again for the review.
  • zanon - Monday, November 30, 2020 - link

    Also to add: CreateML ( is starting to get really impressive, and that Apple has been expending effort to allow it to all stay local rather than dependent on cloud services is useful too. Given the review points out the minimal GPU improvements, it seems like there a implications worth considering given that Apple has chosen to spend a lot of silicon budget on specialized stuff, NN etc instead. At some point I'd like to see more bench marks and articles investigating how that stuff is getting used (even basic simple first party stuff like photo facial recognition), the performance, and what kinds of network dependency and privacy the various iOS/macOS/Android/Windows/Linux implementations have. It's going to be more challenging to to see where silicon budget is yielding gains, but some of that may ultimately matter more than raw CPU/GPU in a lot of day to day and application specific use.
  • name99 - Monday, November 30, 2020 - link

    It's always difficult to know just how much of Apple's timing is planned and how much is luck.

    I think it's definitely planned that the MAC's this year have the same appearance as always, to reassure most buyers that while techies might get excited about the new internals, this is the same familiar mac as always.

    BUT I think it's also clear that the CPU/SoC this year had a very different set of priorities from performance, that it was basically more of the same. Changed where that was easy to do given the new process characteristics, but the emphasis on the stuff required for the mac, secondarily on peak power. I raise this because the corollary to the point I made above is that the best time to change the appearance is precisely when the internals are undergoing their least exciting change...

    If I had to guess, my guess would be that Apple has established the line (mini, maybe refreshed every two years; mainstream; pro; pro max) and the design language, for the next four years or so. Get used to these sizes and the squared off edges!

    On the flip side the most essential Mac-relevant SoC changes are done. Next year may again be "disappointing" in that the leading edge team will have the many core high end machines as its priority, so while the A15 SoC won't exactly be phoned in, it may still be less than we might hope.
    On the other hand, as soon as the A16 Apple may be willing to say "OK, Rosetta2 is over for new machines. If a vendor hasn't ported by now, it's not worth our time to keep coddling them". Being able to drop the compatibility stuff [memory ordering, 4kB subpages] will help a bit (less complexity always helps some), and they'll finally be past the huge effort of the transition, so once again performance can get top billing.

    Another data point for my theory (this is the appearance for the next four years or so), when do we get an Apple modem? Maybe 2022? Once again that will come in a shell that looks absolutely familiar, like an iPhone has looked for years, so that the fact of getting new technology that the techies are all chattering about won't seem strange and unnerving; what you buy will feel like last year's iPhone.

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