Gaming Performance: iGPU

All of our game testing results, including other resolutions, can be found in our benchmark database: All gaming tests here were run using integrated graphics, with a variation of 720p resolutions and at minimum settings.

We are using DDR5 memory for Alder Lake at the following settings:

  • DDR5-4800(B) CL40

All of AMD's Ryzen APUs were tested with DDR4 memory at the relevant JEDEC specifications of each chip.

Final Fantasy 14

IGP Final Fantasy 14 - 768p Min - Average FPS

World of Tanks

IGP World of Tanks - 768p Min - Average FPS

Borderlands 3

IGP Borderlands 3 - 360p VLow - Average FPS

Far Cry 5

IGP Far Cry 5 - 720p Low - Average FPS

Gears Tactics

IGP Gears Tactics - 720p Low - Average FPS

Grand Theft Auto V

IGP Grand Theft Auto V - 720p Low - Average FPS

Strange Brigade (DirectX 12)

IGP Strange Brigade DX12 - 720p Low - Average FPS

Performance on Intel's UHD 770 integrated graphics when compared to AMD's Ryzen APUs came solely down to the intensity of the game title. In scenarios where titles favor CPU grunt, the 12th Gen Core series processors did well, but when it came to graphical performance, UHD 770 clearly trails AMD's integrated Radeon graphics.

The consensus here is that in all scenarios, AMD's Ryzen APUs are superior to Intel for low-budget gaming systems where discrete graphics aren't used. Intel really only makes the bare minimum investment in die space for their iGPU here, and it shows: UHD 770 is good enough for the bare minimum in gaming, and that's about it.

CPU Benchmark Performance: Legacy and Web Gaming Performance: 1080p
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  • mode_13h - Monday, April 4, 2022 - link

    > Did I talk to you? No.

    You must have this confused with private messages. This is an open discussion where anyone can read and reply to anything posted. If that's not what you want, go somewhere else.

    > has to comment on everything here.

    This is one of the sites I tend to check on a daily basis. As there's not much new content published recently, most of the discussion seems to happen in the latest article.

    That you feel the need to psycho-analyze me really says more about you than me.

    > not a good showing for this site.

    Since when do you care about this site? It's been going for 25 years, yet you seem to have no clue what it's really about. Worse, I don't think you care. Your agenda seems quite obvious, by this point.

    > That said, I’m not gonna waste my time with you again.

    Somehow, I doubt it.

    > Didn’t read your comment either.

    Your loss.

    Also, I doubt it. Unless the post is overlong, this is typically just an excuse used by those who cannot reply on merit.
  • Khanan - Tuesday, April 5, 2022 - link

    Not a need to psychoanalyse you but it’s very obvious, your comments are literally everywhere here. You’re worse than me in my worst times - again not a insult, but you should look into it. It stems from insecurity issues.
  • mode_13h - Tuesday, April 5, 2022 - link

    > It stems from insecurity issues.

    Nope. I've been a tech-head for most of my life. I love this stuff. These are my people and I enjoy learning and sharing what I've learned. That's why I read & post here.

    There are people who post here that I respect & learn from. Not as much as when the site had more content, but still some. And I do what I can to pay it forward. If you're paying attention, you'll see that I try to fill in details, present counterpoints, and support my claims with links where I can.

    I think it's funny that you can presume to know me, after just a few comment threads.
  • Khanan - Thursday, April 7, 2022 - link

    No problem disregard what I said then.
  • Khanan - Tuesday, April 5, 2022 - link

    I wanna add: I don’t have a agenda, don’t misuse big words that are unsuitable for small things. I’m sorry this site is nearly dead, I would’ve loved it to be different.
  • mode_13h - Tuesday, April 5, 2022 - link

    > I don’t have a agenda

    I don't even care if you do, as long as you play fair. We don't need insults or name-calling. State your best case and back it up with references (when possible). The better you can support your argument, the more chance there is that at least someone will learn something.

    Plenty of people have biases, on here. That's just a reality. All you can do is present your side or get them to clarify and support their position. You never win by attacking people. It shuts down any chance they'll listen and turns off anyone else who might be following.
  • Khanan - Thursday, April 7, 2022 - link

    Try to wisen up yourself before lecturing others on what to do. :) I don’t asked for advice and I don’t need it, never really did, coming to think of it, not even 23 years ago in the first tech forums I visited.
  • Makaveli - Tuesday, March 29, 2022 - link

  • Ryan Smith - Tuesday, March 29, 2022 - link

    "Will there be a review of the Mac studio with M1 Ultra? If not, I’ll stop checking the site."
    Yes, hopefully next week. Things have been a little busy in the GPU space in the last month, to say the least.
  • Blastdoor - Tuesday, March 29, 2022 - link

    Sweet! Thanks!

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