Unreal Tournament 2004 Performance

Our UT2004 test is a Flyby of DM-Antalus, the same test that was used under UT2003. 

Flyby performance ends up giving a better look at pure GPU performance as it removes all of the physics and AI calculations that the CPU would normally be performing. So, while you get higher frame rates, you still end up finding out which cards are the fastest. 

We used Santaduck's UT2004 Benchmark Toolkit at its Maximum Quality Settings for all  tests.

Unreal Tournament 2004 Performance

UT2004 performance is more than acceptable across the board, even on the Radeon 9600 Pro Mac & PC Edition.  We're still seeing performance lower than the OEM 9600XT, but that is to be expected.

Doom 3 Performance Halo Performance
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  • overclockingoodness - Saturday, August 20, 2005 - link

    Of course, stupid dumbasses like you never understand anything. ATI just launched a 9600 Pro Mac and PC Edition, so it's logical to do a review now. Heck, even if ATI had launched this earlier, it would still make sense because hardly any of the Mac sites cover hardware for Mac.

    Shut your hole.
  • bob661 - Friday, August 19, 2005 - link

  • GhandiInstinct - Friday, August 19, 2005 - link

  • HardwareD00d - Friday, August 19, 2005 - link


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