Overclocking Performance

The overclocking performance graphs have been added to the standard benchmark test suite and should allow for a better comparison on the overclocking capabilities of tested boards. For more details on the specific overclocking abilities of this board, please refer to the Overclocking and Memory Stress Test section in the Basic Features section.



The front side bus overclocking results were impressive for the Gigabyte 8N SLI Quad compared to the other nForce 4 SLI platforms and we are confident that the new D9 BIOS will equal or exceed the Gigabyte GA-8I955x. The fsb results of the Abit NI8 are disappointing, but its memory performance actually evens the field in the synthetic benchmarks where it was able to maintain a 1T command rate up to a 770 fsb compared to a 2T command rate for the other nForce 4 boards.

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  • Johnmcl7 - Wednesday, October 12, 2005 - link

    The motherboard can't actually drive four cards in SLI, the only use for those slots graphics card wise is more monitors, you don't need a 500 dollar card for that.

  • Xenoterranos - Wednesday, October 12, 2005 - link

    Wow. I need this. Now. right now. Wow. Anyone have a couple grand i can borrow?
  • Xenoterranos - Wednesday, October 12, 2005 - link

    hey, first post!
  • vini3 - Tuesday, March 3, 2020 - link

    very good post

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