CPU Performance, Short Form

For our motherboard reviews, we use our short form testing method. These tests usually focus on if a motherboard is using MultiCore Turbo (the feature used to have maximum turbo on at all times, giving a frequency advantage), or if there are slight gains to be had from tweaking the firmware. We put the memory settings at the CPU manufacturers suggested frequency, making it very easy to see which motherboards have MCT enabled by default.

For Z790 we are running using Windows 11 64-bit with the 22H2 update.

Rendering - Blender 3.5

Blender 3.5: Junkshop Benchmark

Blender 3.5: Classroom Benchmark

Blender 3.5: Monster Benchmark

Rendering - Crysis CPU Render

Crysis CPU Render: 1920x1080

Rendering - Cinebench R23

Cinebench R23 CPU: Single Thread

Cinebench R23 CPU: Multi Thread

Synthetic - GeekBench 5

Geekbench 5 Single Thread

Geekbench 5 Multi-Thread

Compression – WinRAR 5.90

WinRAR 5.90

3D Movement Algorithm Test – 3DPMv2.1

3D Particle Movement v2.1

There wasn't too much difference between the boards in our compute performance section. The anomaly, the ASRock B760M Steel Legend is limited to fit within Intel's Power Limit by default and, as such, doesn't have as much power budget available as the Z790 boards do.

The Taichi Carrara was only around 4% slower on average in Blender 3.5. Still, a lot of the results showed competitive and negligible results, with the only questionable area in performance coming in WinRar 5.90, which was around 7% slower than the rest of the boards.

System Performance Gaming Performance
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  • Sivar - Friday, August 11, 2023 - link

    I will not buy a motherboard that requires active cooling, ever, without exception.
    I have heard the reassurances that the fans are great and almost never spin up. Great. Those that haven't seen dozens of fanned-boards (as well as network cards, RAID cards, etc.) fail because of fan failure or clogging can happily buy those boards.
    I skipped a generation of AMD boards because of fans. 100% no-go.
  • jtsapienza - Friday, August 4, 2023 - link

    ASRock claims this board has 2x SS40 and 6x SS10 ports. But the board labeling shows 6x SS5 USB-A ports and one USB-C x10 port. What is true?
  • Magissia - Saturday, August 5, 2023 - link

    Wondering the same

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