
Left4Dead2 is a classic Steam FPS DirectX 9 shooter.  It changes very quickly from GPU to CPU bound over a certain limit - our test is a time demo taken from a run through of the first level.

Left4Dead - IGP

30.34 FPS puts the board in second place as well as being just a little bit behind on the top spot.

Dirt 2

Dirt 2 came to the PC in December 2009, developed by Codemasters with the EGO Engine.  Resulting in favorable reviews, we use Dirt 2’s inbuilt benchmark under DirectX 11 to test the hardware.  We test two different resolutions at two different quality settings using a discrete GPU, and an appropriate integrated GPU setting.

Dirt 2 - IGP

A result of 15.45 FPS puts this motherboard above any other Fusion based system.

Metro 2033

Metro 2033 is a challenging DX11 benchmark that challenges every system that tries to run it at any high-end settings.  Developed by 4A Games and released in March 2010, we use the inbuilt DirectX 11 Frontline benchmark to test the hardware.

Metro2033 - IGP

All of the results collected thus far on the Fusion platform are very similar. There is a 0.1 frames per second difference between the top result and the bottom result so this board fits into right into the middle of the bunch.

Computation Benchmarks Final Words
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  • frilans - Saturday, December 3, 2011 - link

    Sandy Bridge can be passively cooled to safe temperatures under load. We have Intel Core i3-2105 (TDP 65W) processors in our office computers. I have built them with no moving parts in the H3.S case with passive cooling from HD-Plex (www.hd-plex.com).

  • duploxxx - Tuesday, October 25, 2011 - link

    much cheaper? the lowest priced mobo and the lowest price celeron will only get you in the same price range.

    not to mention the way higher TDP and I would love to see some GPU performance compares.
  • medi01 - Sunday, October 30, 2011 - link

    SB celeron + motherboard is NOT "much cheaper than this APU".
    Stop spreading FUD, Intel fanboi.
  • plonk420 - Wednesday, October 26, 2011 - link

    you can take the fan off just fine. ran for half a day like that.

    just to be nice, i put a PWM 120mm fan over it in the htpc case. can't hear it nor the PCP&C Silencer currently over my fridge running across the room.
  • davos555 - Tuesday, October 25, 2011 - link

    It is good for basic tasks - However I had one and it stuggles to play back HD video content - the hardware decoding doesn't work in linux media players because of lack of drivers. Apparantly it works best in Windows media players such as MPC but I havent test this!
  • spaceyyeti - Tuesday, October 25, 2011 - link

    use xbmc. works great for me.
  • C300fans - Tuesday, October 25, 2011 - link

    Yeah, SB will get much more ppd if you are crunching BOINC.
  • futurepastnow - Tuesday, October 25, 2011 - link

    Great board for HTPC- unless you want to play modern 3D games on your TV. Then you'll need to step up to something with more CPU and graphics power.

    Also looks like it would be great for a home server, or a family member who only surfs the web and watches videos (that covers a lot of people).
  • mepenete - Wednesday, October 26, 2011 - link

    runnin AMD for graphics? Nothin but trouble if you're in Linux.
  • gevorg - Tuesday, October 25, 2011 - link

    Couple of questions:

    1) Can this thing FLAWLESSLY play high bitrate HD 1080p from a hard drive or blu-ray disk?

    2) How good is the 23.976 playback?

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