
Left4Dead2 is a classic Steam FPS DirectX 9 shooter.  It changes very quickly from GPU to CPU bound over a certain limit - our test is a time demo taken from a run through of the first level.

Left4Dead - IGP

30.34 FPS puts the board in second place as well as being just a little bit behind on the top spot.

Dirt 2

Dirt 2 came to the PC in December 2009, developed by Codemasters with the EGO Engine.  Resulting in favorable reviews, we use Dirt 2’s inbuilt benchmark under DirectX 11 to test the hardware.  We test two different resolutions at two different quality settings using a discrete GPU, and an appropriate integrated GPU setting.

Dirt 2 - IGP

A result of 15.45 FPS puts this motherboard above any other Fusion based system.

Metro 2033

Metro 2033 is a challenging DX11 benchmark that challenges every system that tries to run it at any high-end settings.  Developed by 4A Games and released in March 2010, we use the inbuilt DirectX 11 Frontline benchmark to test the hardware.

Metro2033 - IGP

All of the results collected thus far on the Fusion platform are very similar. There is a 0.1 frames per second difference between the top result and the bottom result so this board fits into right into the middle of the bunch.

Computation Benchmarks Final Words
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  • C300fans - Tuesday, October 25, 2011 - link

    1, If DXVA 2.0 works FLAWLESSLY , it works.
    2, It is good.
  • spaceyyeti - Tuesday, October 25, 2011 - link

    1. Yes, it can. Even 1080p flash (on windows) is kidsplay for fusion.
    2. Way better then Intel's. I run linux and I get some glitches, but those are really really rare. Under windows there are no problems at all.
  • C300fans - Tuesday, October 25, 2011 - link

    2, If you use cpu to decode high rate files, it will have obivous glitches.
  • spaceyyeti - Tuesday, October 25, 2011 - link

    it's not a cpu problem. the ati linux drivers are not that great lately, so uvd3 support is still a bit problematic. but as I said; the glitches are rare. some movies get none, others get 1 or 2 in an hour. they are not annoying or even that noticeable. and yes, I checked my codecs :-) the main problem with the ati drivers nowadays is bad support for gnome-shell/gnome 3. artifacts al over the place. haha. but that's not really relevant to this article.
  • plonk420 - Wednesday, October 26, 2011 - link

    it's not high bitrates that have issues, it's retarded settings that go out of Level 4.1 specs, like 16 reference frames @ 1080p.

    i just wish this was ~20-30% faster and 1/4th the GPU speed. it's just ever so slightly too slow for Spline scaling in ffdshow, IIRC.
  • Meegulthwarp - Tuesday, October 25, 2011 - link

    Nice to see a power supply that reflects what most people would be using with this setup. It would be interesting to have a comparison between this 250w and a 1000w to see if all the haters were correct.

    Once again, nice review. Currently looking for a HTPC for my new flat. Just worried AMD might release a refresh of Fusion when I buy one. Anyone know if there is a refresh on the horizon?
  • spaceyyeti - Tuesday, October 25, 2011 - link

    The E-450 is coming. Higher CPU and GPU clockspeeds (cpu: 1,65ghz gpu: 508mhz with 600mhz turbo) and a better memory controller supporting 1333mhz. But you can do that with this board too, by just selecting it in the bios.

    Other than that, you'll probably have to wait for a process shrink.
  • Meegulthwarp - Tuesday, October 25, 2011 - link

    Thanks, I thought I saw that but couldn't find it. Might just mull it over and give the E-350 a pass for the time being.
  • lestr - Tuesday, October 25, 2011 - link

    Ancient history folks. Asus has updated to the 450. Boards have been available in Asia and Europe for weeks now. Slight bump to 1.65 and RAM std upped to 1333, OC 1600. No idea how it would test out - hasn't been done yet. Can't understand why they only have 3 analog audio outs on the rear. BIOS tweaks? who knows.

    I sent an e-mail to Anand 2 weeks go asking him to get Gary to send one over... Oh well.. we'll see who gets it first. Nice try and a good re-introduction.
  • silverblue - Tuesday, October 25, 2011 - link

    I'm very interested to see if the extra memory bandwidth does anything for the HD 6320 or if it runs out of steam, in which case AMD would've been right to only include a single channel memory interface.

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