Testing the Alienware notebooks with NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680Ms while seeing reviews for the GK104-based GeForce GTX 660 Ti and GK106-based GeForce GTX 660 go up has been interesting because it seemed as though NVIDIA's branding had painted themselves into a corner with the GTX 670M and 675M. Both of those chips are re-brands of last generation's Fermi-based GTX 570M and 580M, respectively. So while the GK106 would be seemingly ideal for notebooks, where was NVIDIA going to put it? The GTX 660M is based on GK107 with GDDR5, and then it's a jump to Fermi for the 670M.

As it turns out, NVIDIA's branding team is as creative as they've always been, although this launch is an unusually quiet one. No press releases or fanfare, but certainly worthy of attention. NVIDIA is updating their mobile line with the GTX 670MX and GTX 675MX, both of which are based on Kepler silicon.

The GTX 675MX, essentially replacing the GTX 675M, seems to be a full GK104 chip, with 960 CUDA cores and up to 4GB of GDDR5 on a 256-bit memory bus. Assuming the performance difference between the desktop GTX 660 and GTX 560 Ti (the two chips powering the GTX 675MX and GTX 675M/580M respectively) scales down, the 675MX should be about 20% faster than its predecessor. It's clocked at 600MHz on the cores and an effective 3.6GHz on the GDDR5. I'm not 100% sure on the GPU on this one, though; it'd have to be GK104 cut down to five SMX clusters, which would be accurate to the GK106 except for the 256-bit memory bus (GK106 only supports 192-bit).

Meanwhile, the GTX 670MX appears to be using a full GK106, as it too has 960 CUDA cores but only tops out at 3GB of GDDR5 on a 192-bit memory bus. It's clocked at 600MHz on the CUDA cores and 2.8GHz effective on the GDDR5. Again this should be a fairly handsome performance improvement over the Fermi-based GeForce GTX 670M.

As an added sidebar, NVIDIA has also launched their first Kepler-based Quadro mobile GPU, the Quadro K3000M. This appears to be a heavily cut down GK106, with 576 CUDA cores and up to 2GB of GDDR5, presumably on a 128-bit memory bus.

Origin PC was the first to get into our mailbox announcing immediate availability of these GPUs, but undoubtedly they will gradually become available from other vendors as well.

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  • JarredWalton - Tuesday, October 2, 2012 - link

    Unless I'm seeing something different than you, the first graph has a gamma target around 2.4 while the second is around 2.2, so they're labeled correctly.
  • blanarahul - Thursday, October 4, 2012 - link

    Whoops. I misinterpreted the text written above the graphs. I am extremely sorry for troubling you.
  • CeriseCogburn - Thursday, October 11, 2012 - link


    As I suspected. It is you whom is not capable to purchase a gaming laptop, not those who "amazingly" are so smart as to avoid being fooled.....

    You people need to do all of us a favor and just drop the stupidity of immense proportion.

    In a gaming laptop, the PRICE of the GPU upgrade is one indicator that we don't need a crybaby fool worried about imaginary failure of others.
  • CeriseCogburn - Thursday, October 11, 2012 - link

    If they use the lower priced variant, the customer and they, PAY LESS you idiot.
  • CeriseCogburn - Thursday, October 11, 2012 - link

    Yes, because of course the notebook vars do not know what any chip they get with the wrong name is capable of, and cannot imagine anything but how badly they were tricked, as they offered the several hundred dollar price difference UPGRADES in their laptops.

    I agree, as the idiot drooling monkey stared at the name, that overcame all knee jerk response his or her wallet provided in the obvious several hundred dollar (less or more than $100x who gives crap you fools) price differences.
  • Spunjji - Monday, November 12, 2012 - link

  • CeriseCogburn - Thursday, October 11, 2012 - link

    It would be interesting to have an actual case cited for anyone getting shortchanged, instead of the usual frenzy posters go into assuming the rest of the computer world is illiterate and can't purchase a couple thousand dollar piece of hardware without being a buffoon.

    Is it at least possible that those with thick wallets acquired said wallets because they have a bit more sense than the duped retard all you fantasy haters assume exist everywhere ?

    Maybe it's a mirror reflection with you people - you go into an unstoppable bad luck and drooling mode before you extract whatever pence you have collected then find out of course it wasn't the dream you fantasized about as you scraped lunch money together for the big move ahead. It's easy for you then to blame the name it was called, instead of actually accepting you're the fool who cannot handle it.

    I actually believe that to be the case. If anyone wants the best there is, they will find there are very limited choices in this particular space.
    A few moments is all it would take for the average C student who doesn't drool all day long to determine the performance grades in between the 3 or 4 choices available no matter their call sign.

    Further, any idiot who isn't aware there just might be a slight bit of marketing going on in thousand dollar items probably has no idea what the naming schema of any GPU company currently is or has been at any time, and likely won't know distinguish the two major brands.

    So of course, we are down to the real truth. It is you of course, the little angry hater with the GPU obsession, who feels like a big man and wants to share his pride of just handed to him knowledge with those he wishes were just as pathetic as to appreciate it, thus in the end, the only people getting duped are the ones in constant complaint mode over this.

    It's time you people closed the traps and gave those spending several thousand dollars (something you whining fools obviously have never done, or have been stupid duped idiots doing as I pointed out, a problem shared by very few and a shame to you) of their money a bit more credit than anyone with any sense can possibly give you.

    Yes, of course, an obsessed freaking FPS gamer is not going to have a clue and will compulsively buy whatever NUMBER makes their peenie feel happy, right ?
    Right, you're so right... ( if you didn't detect angry sarcasm don't ever spend any money on your own)

  • Spunjji - Monday, November 12, 2012 - link

    Did I mention that you're a tool?

    Just thought it was worth restating
  • CeriseCogburn - Thursday, October 11, 2012 - link

    To further point out the ridiculous premise you people spew about in reactionary parrot mode every single time, I went to the Origin site and quickly noted in under 30 seconds the gpu choices are (gasp) accompanied by PRICING DIFFERENCES that are in fact, quite large.

    Now I imagine, someone as thick as you, would go to the purchase arena, and seeing a name used for a GPU chip, would buy it, expecting of course whatever performance your immense experience dictated it would provide, while hopping up and down in joy joy mode that you just got the $100 GPU upgrade that in fact surpasses the $500 GPU upgrade, because not only are nVidia marketers evil, but they have duped the ENTIRE industry, even those who design, manufacture, and sell said gaming notebooks, into a pricing scheme in a marketplace that has absolutely no relation to reality of performance of the GPU arch in the gaming laptop.

    I mean it's just frikkin AMAZING you people are so devoid of any thought what so ever.
  • Spunjji - Monday, November 12, 2012 - link


    Thanks Cerise, for another intellectual discussion.
    Oh haha wait no you're just mashing your face against your keyboard again.


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