Input Lag and Power Use

Finally, we have another 1080p display so I can avoid the usual caveats about testing for lag on a 27” monitor! On the Acer lag is not an issue for you. It measured out at 1.7ms of input lag and at 11.2ms of pixel lag, for a nice low total of 12.91ms of lag. If you want to game, the Acer isn’t going to be holding you back.

Processing Lag Comparison (By FPS)

It's also a miser when it comes to power use. It uses only 27 watts with a white screen at full backlight and 13 watts with a white screen at minimum backlight. Other 23” panels are at the same level of power use, but they aren’t driving the touch-layer on the panel either, so the Acer comes out looking good here.

LCD Power Draw (Kill-A-Watt)

Display Uniformity Acer T232HL Conclusions
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  • JarredWalton - Wednesday, February 6, 2013 - link

    When you grow up and have kids, you'll realize that ANY and ALL touchscreens will get filthy if you let your kids use them. Matte screens will be just as bad -- says the guy with three kids (10, 3, 1) who have already left more than their fair share of fingerprints on my matte displays.
  • zero2dash - Wednesday, February 6, 2013 - link

    It's a lot less noticeable on matte displays though, which is why I'm surprised anyone would release a touchscreen with a glossy coating.

    It's bad enough that every smartphone and tablet is inherently glossy, but a monitor is even worse.
  • JarredWalton - Wednesday, February 6, 2013 - link

    Lenovo had a matte finish on a touchscreen at CES that I liked, but I'm still curious how such a finish will hold up over the long term. I look at my keyboards and the smooth, glossy appearance on the well-used keys, or the glossed out spots on laptop palm rests that have been around the block for a year or two, and I can't help but think the same thing will happen to an LCD with a matte finish -- and it won't wear evenly, so you'll get glossy sections where people have used the screen more. Ever notice that no one does matte smartphones or tablets?
  • Sabresiberian - Thursday, February 7, 2013 - link

    I disagree entirely with this.

    I have 2 27" monitors, a Dell U2711 and a Overlord X270OC. The first comes with a fairly heavy anti-reflective screen, the second is glossy. While the Dell is better in every other way (and cost a lot more money) except the fact I can't overclock it to 120Hz, the anti-glare is awful.

    The least amount of dirt on it makes the screen look, well, dirty. And, it's a pain in the butt to clean becasue it takes getting every little bit of dirt and grease off it to make it look clean again. The Overlord though is super easy to clean; a little spot doesn't turn into a smear of yuck, it just comes off.

    Now, the industry seems to have gotten the message here, and even Dell's replacement of the U2711 has a much lighter anti-glare. I really think this is the right way to go. (I don't understand why they had to figure it out again when people got the idea back in the days of the CRT. My Sony GDM FW900 has a coating which in my opinion is perfect, easy to clean and cuts down on the worst of the reflections without being too heavy.)

    Now, I don't use my monitors as touch screens, obviously, and what looks worse to one person will be different than another, but the decision between the 2 for me (a really anti-glare screen or a glossy one) would be hands down glossy for touch use. They are both going to get dirty, but the glossy will be far easier to clean - and, in my opinion the anti-glare looks worse when clean, and looks much worse when dirty.

    As far as kids - well, most of them don't care one way or the other, and they will NOT be using my screens, they will be using their own, so it's not an issue in my house.
  • theduckofdeath - Saturday, April 13, 2013 - link

    If you touch anything with greasy fingers, it will get dirty. Doesn't matter whether it's a matte or glossy display. Monitor or smartphone.
  • designerfx - Wednesday, February 6, 2013 - link

    maybe you don't understand what happens to a glossy finish. the fact that he had to clean it at all simply tells you that it is an actual problem.
  • lexluthermiester - Friday, February 8, 2013 - link

    I'm with you on that one. I can't stand it when people touch my screen. where it comes to my PC, NOTHING annoys me more than fingerprints on my screen! And while I acknowledge that I may be an extreme, I'm far from alone. And some people really think touch screens will become? Good grief I hope not!
  • lexluthermiester - Friday, February 8, 2013 - link

    will become the norm?*
  • SNORK - Wednesday, February 6, 2013 - link

    I have never been able to tolerate it when my wife, my kids or now my grandkids have to touch the monitor to point at something. Let's now view everything with 4k monitors through finger prints and jelly smudges.

    "The radar's jammed sir".
  • DanNeely - Wednesday, February 6, 2013 - link

    I've occasionally wondered if it would be possible to charge up the front of a monitor with a Tesla coil without interfering with its use as a display.

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