Input Lag and Power Use

Finally, we have another 1080p display so I can avoid the usual caveats about testing for lag on a 27” monitor! On the Acer lag is not an issue for you. It measured out at 1.7ms of input lag and at 11.2ms of pixel lag, for a nice low total of 12.91ms of lag. If you want to game, the Acer isn’t going to be holding you back.

Processing Lag Comparison (By FPS)

It's also a miser when it comes to power use. It uses only 27 watts with a white screen at full backlight and 13 watts with a white screen at minimum backlight. Other 23” panels are at the same level of power use, but they aren’t driving the touch-layer on the panel either, so the Acer comes out looking good here.

LCD Power Draw (Kill-A-Watt)

Display Uniformity Acer T232HL Conclusions
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  • pandemonium - Wednesday, February 6, 2013 - link

    The only way I can use a touchscreen for a desktop computer will be with a drawing table layout with the screen actually in the desk. *patent!!*
  • Operandi - Thursday, February 7, 2013 - link

    Bring on 4K IPS/VA panels and stop making worthless crap.
  • Dribble - Thursday, February 7, 2013 - link

    It just doesn't work. You want your arms relaxed in front of you - hence the design for mice + keyboards.

    Where touch screens work you tend to be looking down at them and have them close to your body so you arms stay relaxed. This is not the case for a desktop monitor - you cannot keep your arms vertically out in front of you for any length of time - it's very tiring.

    Hence the whole concept is flawed which anyone with half a brain could have told MS/Acer.
  • Beaver M. - Thursday, February 7, 2013 - link

    Exactly. Though I can imagine, that a hype would press it anyway. Doesnt matter that spine and arm problems will skyrocket after that.
  • TheGreenFoX - Thursday, February 7, 2013 - link

    If you have a primary gaming screen with a fullscreen game on, and a touch screen with the metro interface as 2. screen - will the game minimize if you make a touch input on the touchscreen, or can you use the metro apps without minimizing the game?
  • chaoticlusts - Thursday, February 7, 2013 - link

    Will be interesting too see how the interface devices due out this year compare with touch screen desktop monitors for convenience.

    I don't really see touch on a desktop screen being very convenient for most people unless you rearrange your setup around it... and even then it would hard not to be awkward. Touch works great on laptops and smaller devices but I really think if people want the 'hands on' approach with desktops things like Leap Motion or the Kinect 2 will take off rather than products like this. even more so when it means adding a $100 device rather than paying hundreds extra for a touch monitor.
  • beck2050 - Thursday, February 7, 2013 - link

    Touch my screen on a desktop is uncomfortable and unacceptable for me.
    I would never want a touchscreen there.
  • ypsylon - Friday, February 8, 2013 - link

    It is really one environment where touch screen is nothing more than a nuisance. Imagine situation like this.

    You have a desk, on a desk is LCD 27"-30". LCD is standing as it should ~50-60 cm from user so his/her eyes won't bleed after 10 seconds. How the hell somebody thinks (Microsoft for that matter) that user will sit even closer, virtually next to a big LCD pushing buttons on the screen. Really laughable idea. Imagine writing something in the office or doing really complicated spreadsheet just with virtual keyboard stretching you arms across the desk. And if user must keep his/her beloved keyboard and mouse because nobody else on the market cares about touch screen software then idea of a touch screen for desktop is as dead as ISA slot on motherboards.

    There are environment where touch screen is used for ages: manufacturing, finances (stock exchange), military, engineering and so on. For now home-desktop area is a no-go zone. We haven't exactly reached Star Trek level of computerization where with few taps on a pad you can run a starship. :D
  • JimmiG - Friday, February 8, 2013 - link

    The whole reason Apple went with touch on the first iPhone was to get the most effective use of the limited screen real estate and surface area of a phone.
    It is *not* the best interface for large screens or desktop computers where a mouse and keyboard is available. This silliness needs to go away.
  • DagB - Friday, February 8, 2013 - link

    Comments like this really bugs me, especially on a site like this... Where is the forward thinking? Do you actually think people will sit with a mouse and keyboard in 20 years to the same extent they do today? There are lots of interesting things happening; touch, motion sensors, haptic technologies and so on. I agree that this is probably not an optimal interface if you mainly type or do normal "office" work. But there are people doing other stuff as well on there desktops. For example all types of "creative" activities (film editing, photo editing, music producing etc).

    For me as a music producer this is something really interesting, that has the potential to totally change the way we produce, mix, create and edit music. Ipad is way to small/limited for more advanced work, but is still very interesting. If you put a large desktop screen (more) horizontally, you will not get tired after hours of work and would have all the real estate you need. Also, that is the work position producers and sound engineers have worked for decades. I hope this is just the beginning of a change to a more intuitive and "direct" way of interacting with our digital tools. We should embrace it!

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