Cables and Connectors

As already mentioned, the flat peripheral cables are a distinctive feature to Seasonic made PSUs. For the CPU and GPU connectors Corsair uses the usual cables and sleeving, and every surface and single connector are classical black.

Cables and Connectors
Modular Main 20/24-pin 60cm
ATX12V/EPS12V 4+4-pin 60cm / 4+4-pin 60cm
PCIe 2x 6/8-pin 60cm / 2x 6/8-pin 60cm
Peripheral 2x Molex: 45cm / 58cm / 71cm / 85cm
2x Molex to Floppy 10cm Adapter
2x SATA: 45cm / 58cm / 71cm / 85cm
2x SATA: 45cm / 60cm

Cable lengths are reasonably long and the AX750 should work well in most cases, including full towers with bottom-mounted PSUs. The main 24-pin, 4+4 ATX12V/EPS12V, and PCIe harnesses all measure 60cm. There are two Molex/PATA and SATA harnesses with four plugs each, and two additional SATA harnesses with two connectors each. The longer harnesses are 85cm total while the two shorter SATA harnesses measure 60cm. With modern systems, Molex connectors are primarily used for fans and other peripherals, while SATA powers the HDDs/SSDs and optical drives.


The only potential issue is if you want to load up all the SATA connectors with a bottom-mounted PSU; the distance from the PSU to the first connector is only 45cm (give or take), with a fairly large 12-13cm gap between the connectors, so you'd want the HDD bays to be relatively close to the PSU rather than in the top portion of the case.

Package Contents and Power Rating Internals
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  • Chapbass - Tuesday, November 30, 2010 - link

    On the cables and connectors page: last para:

    The only potential issue is if you want to load up all we SATA connectors with a bottom-mounted PUS; the distance from the PSU to the first connector is only 45cm (give or take), with a fairly large 12-13cm gap between the connectors, so you'd want the HDD bays to be relatively close to the PSU rather than in the top portion of the case.

    First sentence has a few typos. Still reading, but figured I'd point it out.
  • Shadowmaster625 - Tuesday, November 30, 2010 - link

    Aren't all PUS's bottom mounted?
  • Stuka87 - Tuesday, November 30, 2010 - link

    Many newer cases do use a bottom mounted CPU, but it is hardly the only form factor.
  • Stuka87 - Tuesday, November 30, 2010 - link

    CPU should be PSU. Wish there was an edit :/
  • Iketh - Wednesday, December 1, 2010 - link

    pretty sure they're rear-mounted when bent over
  • Nintendesert - Tuesday, November 30, 2010 - link

    Last page, first paragraph.

    "Gold requirements. 91% at 50% load is not to shabby."

    It should be "too shabby."
  • Chapbass - Tuesday, November 30, 2010 - link

    Gotta say this PSU looks impressive. I'm going to need something soon for my server (not much in the way of cpu and video power, but along the lines of 18-20 HDD's), and something like this might fit the bill. we'll have to see :)

    props to corsair, another solid unit.
  • prince34 - Tuesday, November 30, 2010 - link

    I've been looking for a new high quality PSU for a new build early next year. This looks very promising. Also, Newegg has a $20 mail in rebate and $15 promotional code with free shipping. Thats $135 up front and $115 in the end. That is hard to beat.
  • mino - Tuesday, November 30, 2010 - link

    This left me puzzled though:

    "The AX has DC-to-DC for the smaller rails, so +12V feeds +3.3V/+5V and you can't use the whole 62A there."

    I know of exactly ZERO XXX-watt power supplies where you can load 3.3V or 5V _in_addition_to_ the XXX watts being consumed on 12V rails.

    Actually, most PSU's on the market do not allow anywhere near 99% of its rated load purely via 12V rails like this one. So if anything, such an arrangement should considered a plus.
  • Beenthere - Tuesday, November 30, 2010 - link

    These days there are lots of PSUs to chose from and the devil seems to be in the details. History has shown that Seasonic can produce good PSUs under their own brand and for other companies but that not all PSUs from them are not equal in design or performance.

    Without knowing exactly what the hardware differences are between PSUs and how this impacts performance or reliability makes it challenging when purchasing a new PSU. I watch hardware sites for patterns of issues with specific PSU models and brands when I'm looking for a new PSU.

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