Both boards get the regular Zotac mini-ITX treatment. Onboard Wi-Fi via a mini-PCIe module, dual DDR3 slots supporting up to 8GB, a multitude of video out connectors, gigabit Ethernet, and a PCIe x1 slot.  Both motherboards are supported with an AMD HD4250 GPU, and have HDMI + DVI back port connectors to match.

M880G-ITX - MSRP $229

The M880G-ITX uses the AMD M880G + SB820M chipset, and comes equipped with an AMD Turion II Neo K625 dual-core 1.5Ghz processor.  Aside from this, we’re also looking at six SATA 6Gb/s ports, capable of RAID 5.  This setup could make for a nice little home storage system.  Apart from this, it might make for a simple machine that you might build for your Grandparents if they don’t play games, and do nothing taxing beyond word processing and looking at pictures.


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As standard, the back panel comes with two USB 3.0 ports, four USB 2.0 ports (another two possible via a pin header), a serial port, a HD Audio set of ports, a PS/2 keyboard connector and an optical S/PDIF output.


880G-ITX - MSRP $119

The 880G-ITX instead uses the AMD 880G + SB850 chipset, and comes sans CPU, accepting any AM3 processor up to a 95W TDP.  Apart from this, the board isn’t too different from the M880G-ITX, except from two fewer SATA 6Gb/s ports and two more USB 2.0 ports.


With Sandy Bridge around the corner, we’re not too sure what Zotac want from these boards.  The niche market they satisfy isn’t going to jump on them immediately, and they will have to be priced competitively to sell (we're awaiting MSRP information from Zotac).

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  • Soulkeeper - Friday, December 3, 2010 - link

    This would have been nice a year ago, kinda late now.
  • Infernus - Friday, December 3, 2010 - link

    Yeah I would have jumped on these over their older GeForce 8200 AMD ITX boards
  • therealnickdanger - Friday, December 3, 2010 - link

    Ditto. The GPU is on par with i3/i5 IGP, both for games performance as well as bitstreaming, but if you want to build a HTPC, Intel would probably require less power, thus less heat, thus potentially quieter... Meh.
  • hvakrg - Friday, December 3, 2010 - link

    If I'm not mistaken AMDs IGPs do not support anything better then 2.0 stereo.
  • Vepsa - Friday, December 3, 2010 - link

    The newer AMD IGPs do support 5.1 over HDMI.
  • Noriaki - Friday, December 3, 2010 - link

    The Evergreen (5000) series do for sure.

    Not so sure about the 4000s though, and I think the 4250 in the 880G is actually more closely related to the old 3300 from the 790GX than the rest of the 4000 family.
  • Vepsa - Friday, December 3, 2010 - link

    Well, I'm interested in a board like this for my home server and not a HTPC so meh.
  • OneArmedScissorB - Friday, December 3, 2010 - link

    The socket 1156 mini-ITX boards really don't use less power than what has been done for years, with all sorts of different desktop platforms. They're still desktops.

    The key here is that they give you the option of one built on a low power laptop platform.
  • raddude9 - Friday, December 3, 2010 - link

    Yep, these are a bit on the late side, especially considering Bobcat/Zacate boards are only a few months away, and they should give similar CPU performance and better GPU performace than the Turion based board while using less power
  • Vepsa - Friday, December 3, 2010 - link

    Depending on the price of the M880G-ITX I would definately consider it to replace my old Athlon 64 X2 system that is currently running Fedora 12 + Amahi as my home server (motherboard is getting kinda flaky).

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